Petition: Stop the Open-up Movement Now!MASS ACTIONThe Open-up Movement is a death march for workers, the poor, the oppressed, the elderly and many, many others. The pandemic is not under control, vaccines and treatments do not exist. “Herd Immunity” is an unknown and not firmly established for viruses in general. Governments all across the country have joined the Open-up Movement led on the streets by armed white supremacists. Reactionary judges are striking down protective measures all across the country. Our only hope to stop millions of avoidable deaths is to mobilize as a people to prevent transmission of the Coronavirus. We need to fight back and demand a fully funded people run country-wide coordinated social distancing and workplace safety program. We demand full relief and recovery funding for all people’s needs. We demand Universal Healthcare and a fully funded public health system now!(more text below petition) No worker should have to go to work, no non-essential business should have to open during a pandemic. Other countries, including China, have been able to do the right thing, but the United States, the richest most powerful country in the history of the world is unable or unwilling to allocate the resources and coordinate the economy to save lives. The dominant Western ideology of free market, white supremacy and self-deluded individualism is a great danger to the planet. It is a dead end. Let’s be clear. The only people who benefit from opening up are the billionaires who want to keep their profits rolling. They don’t want to be taxed in order to provide the economic relief that will be necessary to provide for all during perhaps the greatest economic and social crisis in history. Even for people who own and work at non-essential businesses like restaurants and bars, opening up provides no economic security while sacrificing the health security of your neighborhood, city, state, country and even world. Opening up sacrifices workers on the altars of Wall Street, the Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Oil and Big Tech, etc. We say no!
Stop the Genocidal Rush to “Open Up”!